Would you like to SERVE at Camp Allendale?
Throughout each year, Camp Allendale utilizes over 1000 volunteers in a variety of ways to accomplish our mission of “Engaging People to the Living God.” Please consider using your talents and interests through the ministry of Christian Camping. Below are areas of special need. If you have an expertise that you think might benefit our ministry, contact the camp office (317) 878-4400 or email max@camp-allendale.org
Spring Serve Days and Facility Volunteers
Allendale consists of 200 acres, 38 buildings, 10 shelters and over 2 miles of trails. They all need maintenance and upkeep. One of our core values is to provide a Safe, Interactive and Fun environment. To ensure that the camp is ready for the influx of kids each summer, we need a lot of help! We schedule volunteer Serve Days in the late Spring. Typically, they are the last two Saturdays in April and the first two Saturdays in May.
We also utilize volunteers on a year-round basis. Projects include mowing, tree removal, grounds clean-up, building repairs and upkeep, and a whole lot more. Our regular volunteers understand the value they are adding to the camp’s ministry. That value impacts the lives of countless kids in Allendale’s ministry.
If you would like information on our facility volunteer needs, contact the camp office by phone (317-878-4400) or Paul at paul@camp-allendale.org
Sunday Check-in Volunteers
Opening day of camp is an exciting time! We need assistance during our check-in process to take temperatures, answer basic questions, direct traffic, and welcome each camper with a big smile. Volunteers are needed from 3:45PM to 6:00PM on most Sundays in June and July. We will have our Sign Up page posted by May 1.
Kitchen Assistants
Kitchen Volunteers help with general food prep duties, dining hall set up, washing dishes, and serving meals. Kitchen assistants are extremely helpful to us in the summer months. There is a morning shift (9:30AM - 1:30PM) and an afternoon shift (2:30PM-6:30PM). You choose the day and the time frame. For more information about helping in the kitchen contact the camp office by phone (317-878-4400). We will have our Sign Up page posted by May 1.
Summer Camp Volunteers
During the typical summer, we need over 600 volunteers to provide cabin supervision, be small group leaders, and serve as mentors to kids ranging in age from 1st through 12th grades. All of our faculty volunteers are required to submit to a criminal background check, adhere to the camp's Statement of Faith and Practice, and agree to follow the camp's Code of Conduct and Faculty Guidelines. Those interested in serving as volunteer faculty should contact the camp office at (317) 878-4400 or email marley@camp-allendale.org about sessions that need volunteer assistance.